Wednesday, April 7, 2010

The beat goes on...

Wow, what a ride. Grad school is going great, I have hit a few rough spots here and there, but over all life as a Spartan is suiting me well.

Every day is a growing and learning experience for me. I can't believe the random things that I have learned over the last few months...

Lets see:

Human bodies can go through drywall very easily.

If you are just starting to get comfortable at 2am in your bed, SOMETHING will make you get up...

A drunk student + Wooden Stake + Glass Mirror = Fun times for the RA on duty until 3am.

JUST to name a few. :D

Everyday is exciting, everyday is something new...
Next year will only bring more excitement.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

The Journey Begins

So here I am standing at a crossroads in my life. Time to move on and leave the past far far behind. But I will never forget how I got to where I am today.

Behind is my undergraduate experience, the job that I loved, MANY fail relationships, many mistakes and a childhood filled with love and laughter.


Well for starters there is Graduate School. I am going to the University of North Carolina at Greensboro to become a Master of Education in Student Personnel Administration in Higher Education. Going to grad school will officially put me at a higher level of education then either of my very successful parents. I just hope that I too can find success out of life.

Then there is the whole having to move again thing. I had finally gotten settled into my apartment in Salisbury NC and now begins the packing and the sorting of getting ready to move again.

Another "issue" is finding an apartment to move into in my price range. It will be hard but it can be done.

BUT MAINLY AHEAD is the chance at a successful future. And that is why I will cope witht he packing and the sorting and hunting and the moving.